Hey everyone!

We've been M.I.A for roughly 10 days and we're sorry about this! We encountered many challenges when implementing the new features we had planned for this next update...

Anyway, the v2 is here!
Let's get to it right away:

What's new in almanook.v2 ?


- Users are now able to see the currently available bugs and fish in their local time.

- When logged in, the user will also be able to keep track of the bugs/fish he or she caught already (given that they're already added to their critterpedia, we'll get to that a bit later in this post)

- The homepage now shows if today is an islander's birthday as well as the next or current event taking place in game.

Items and Museum:

Adding items and variants, quantity and custom price:

- The database part of the site now shows the color variations of the items.

- The user can now add the variation that is being shown to his/her catalogs by clicking on the [+] button on the top right of the block.

- Users are now able to add multiple occurences of the same item or item variant when clicking on the [+] button on the top right of the block.

- Users are now able to set a custom price for the item or item variant they add to their catalog in the same fashion.

- Users are now able to add the DIY recipe for the item to their catalogs by checking the box "Add DIY recipe"

Keeping track of your progression in game:

- Users are now able to keep track of their progression in game, this will allow a user not to have to add the items/item variants/critters/DIY recipes to a custom catalog anymore.

- Users can add/remove items/item variants/critters/DIY recipes from their corresponding lists in "my island" by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the block. (more details in the My Island section below)

Quality of life and UX improvements:

- Use the "compact mode" to reduce the height of the blocks.

- "Blathers mode", for all our friends that, just like Blathers, are not really fond of bugs and fish, you can now activate the Blather's mode to blur the pictures of our too many legged/eyed friends.

My Island:

Keeping track of your in game progession:

- Users are now able to keep track of the DIY recipes they own and how many they own compared to the total available. The user can edit this list directly when clicking on:

- Users are now able to keep track of the items they unlocked for Nook Shopping and how many they unlocked compared to the total available. The user can edit this list directly when clicking on:

- Users are now able to keep track of the critters they donated to the Museum and how many they donated compared to the total available. The user can edit this list directly when clicking on:

All these changes will also show directly when browsing items in the database and on the home page for the critters that are currently available for your time.

 - Users are now able to add/remove items/item variants/DIY recipes/Critters from their respective lists by clicking on the [+] or [-] button next to the item. When the button switches color your changes are saved, to see them move from "I Own ..." to "I Don't Own ..." or vice versa, please refresh the page.
Tip: To find a specific item you can use Ctrl+F or Cmd+F on desktop and "Find in page" on mobile

Trading features:

- Users can share their catalogs and Island profile pages.
- Users can bump up and down the amount of items in their catalogs.
- Users can bump up and down the custom price they set for their items.

- Users can mark items they want from another player's catalog by clicking on the star icon. This will also update the price accordingly

That's it for today's improvements!

We hope that you will find all of this useful! As before, if you have any suggestions, improvements, if you find bugs or anything reall, don't hesitate to reach out by mail: wearethecroo@gmail.com or by using the report a bug feature at the bottom of each page or by dropping a comment here!

We would like to thank everyone that has reported bugs on the previous version, as well as all the people who gave almanook a try!

And if ever you feel like helping us in any way, reach out to us or buy us a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/thecroo

Bye bye and see you soon!


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